The goal of the recreational program is to introduce players and parents to the 'beautiful game' of soccer, the most popular sport in the world. Soccer is gaining momentum in the United States, thanks to more and more children having the opportunity to learn and play it, along with the success of the men's and women's national teams in World Cup and Olympic play. We also want our players to learn the importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship. Our philosophy as a recreational league is to teach the game of soccer to players of all skill levels while providing those players and parents with a fun, rewarding experience.
FAQ’s, Rules and Regulations and Soccer basics can be found at the bottom of this page.
FALL Rec Season 2024
All practices and games for U6 AND U8 will be held at Lighthouse Park.
All practices and games for U10 and older will be held at Jupiter Community Park.
Saturday Grasshoppers at Lighthouse Park
Friday Grasshoppers at Jupiter Farms Park
Teams in U6 through High School train two nights a week on weeknights (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday) and have games on Saturdays. Grasshoppers have no weeknight practices (except for the Jupiter Farms group) and instead have both skills and drills and small-sided games all on Saturdays. Please know that we DO NOT accept requests for specific teams/coaches.
Once all teams are formed and assigned to a volunteer coach you will be given your training and game schedule.
Regardless of whether it’s the Fall or Spring season, please know that our recreational programs depend on volunteer head coaches and assistant coaches in order to run successfully so we ask you to please considering sharing your time with your child and his or her teammates. Coaching is a rewarding experience and something special you can share with your child. Not only are you helping shape young minds but you are also making a difference in our local community.
If you’d like to volunteer, you can complete your own volunteer registration at the same time that you register your player. Or, you can click on the “Volunteer Registration” image on the JTAA homepage. You do not need to have a child in the program to volunteer as we also have community members, former players, sports enthusiasts, and others who volunteer their time as head or assistant coaches.
Know that ALL coaches must undergo a mandatory background check through JTAA and through the Florida Youth Soccer Association (FYSA), both at no cost, before they can be assigned to a team. Additional training is also required through FYSA that takes about two (2) to two-and-a-half (2.5) hours altogether to complete online. Detailed information about this is provided after you register as a volunteer coach.
When and where do teams train? - In both our Fall and Spring programs, teams will train on either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. In the Fall, our U6-U10 teams will train from 6pm-7:30pm and our U12 and older teams will train from 7:30pm-9pm at Jupiter Community Park. During the Spring, all ages train and play games solely at Lighthouse Park; our younger teams typically will train from 5:30pm-6:30pm with our older teams practicing from 6:30pm-7:30pm.
Can I choose the nights that I train? - YES! You can request the nights you CANNOT train during the registration process. If you do not request specific nights at that point you will not be able to request them further down the line.
When and where are the games? - All games will take place on Saturdays at either Lighthouse Park (Fall and Spring seasons) or Jupiter Community Park (Fall season only). Game times can differ from week to week based on the schedule but the majority are played in the morning, with all finishing by 3 pm at the very latest.
How are teams formed? - Players will attend an evaluation a few weeks before the start of the season. Teams will be formed based on these evaluations. Our aim is to have all teams as evenly matched as possible in terms of higher and lower ability players. It is imperative that all players attend the evaluations so that team formation can be kept fair.
Why aren’t we doing a player draft to form teams? - In the past we have found that the draft format heavily favors those coaches who have volunteered in seasons past and know several of the players. This has lead to a large disparity in overall team ability. Teams are now formed completely impartially and has resulted in far closer competition level across most age groups.
What if my player cannot attend the evaluations? - They will be placed on a team at random.
What equipment do I need? - Shin guards are mandatory. Cleats are recommended. A ball will be provided to every player that requests and pays for one during registration. All players must bring a ball to practice and games, as well as a home (yellow) and away (blue) jersey.
Are there playoffs and finals? - There will be playoffs for all U10 and older teams. These playoff games will be played midweek in the final week of the season and will determine who plays in the final on the last Saturday of the season. Grasshopper, U6 Coed, and U8 Boys and Girls divisions do NOT have playoffs and finals.
Are trophies and medals provided? - Trophies and medals are provided to the finalists in each division (U10 through High School) while Grasshoppers and U8 groups each receive a participation trophy at season’s end.
When do the seasons run? - The fall season typically runs from late August to early November while the spring season runs from March to mid May.
Can my son/daughter be on the same team as their friend? - No. The program no longer accepts such requests.
Can siblings play on the same team? - Yes, providing they are of the same age group.
My son/daughter really enjoyed playing for their previous coach. Can they be on their team again? - No. The program no longer accepts such requests.
How long are the games? - U6 will play 4x 8 minute quarters, U8 will play 4x 12 minute quarters, U10 will play 4x 12.5 minute quarters, U12 and U14 will play 2x 30 minute halves and High School will play 2x 35 minute halves.
When will I know what team we are on? - We aim to form the teams within a week of the final evaluation night.
When will I know my practice and game schedule? - The practice schedule will be sent to the coaches around the same time as the team formations with the game schedule shortly after that. Your coach will reach out to you directly with your schedule.
Why haven’t I received any emails regarding the recreational soccer program? - Check your junk mail inbox for any emails from JTAA. We will only email the address you put on file. If there are definitely no emails from us then please email to have your email address added to our subscription list.
How will I know if practice/games are canceled due to bad weather? - We will send a message to all players and coaches if we have to cancel. If you don’t hear from us then we are still on. No news is good news. Do not message us to ask about field status.
A - Penalty area - Goalkeeper allowed to handle the ball in this area. Any fouls on attacking team within this area result in penalty kick for attacking team. During goal kicks, opposition players must start outside of this area (U12 and older).
B - 6 yard box/Goal area - Goal kicks taken from anywhere within this area. Goal kick results from attacking player knocking the ball over the end line (G)
C - Build out line - Only present in U8-U10 (and U11) games. During goal kicks and when the goalkeeper has the ball in their hands the opposition team must start behind this line. Opposition players may cross the line once the ball is kicked/released.
D - Center circle and center spot - Kick offs taken from center spot. Kick offs occur at the start of each half as well as after each goal. During kick off the opposition team must start outside of the circle and be in their own half.
E - Halfway line - Each team is designated a half of the field for the first half and will switch for the second half. Players must be in their own half during kick offs only.
F - Touch line - If a player knocks the ball over this line it will result in a throw in (kick in for U6) for the other team.
G - End line/Goal line - If the defending team knocks the ball over their own end line it will result in a corner for the opposition team.
H - Corner arc - Corner kicks are taken from within this area.